In an emergency, the last thing you want is to discover that your hydrant does not work properly. Preventative maintenance is an easy way to ensure your fire hydrants work properly, if and when they are needed. A properly maintained and operating fire hydrant can help protect both lives and property. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) fire hydrants should be inspected, tested and maintained (ITM) annually. As part of an annual ITM program, hydrants should be greased, painted and checked for proper operation and drainage.
The area surrounding fire hydrants should be cleared of obstructions such as vegetation. There should be a minimum of 3’ cleared around the hydrant in all directions for the fire/water department(s) to have unrestricted access. As the final step in the maintenance of a fire hydrant, Hydra Tech, Inc. paints your fire hydrants to your city or towns specifications, or with proper approvals, can paint your hydrants with custom colors.
As a property owner or manager, you may be responsible for the annual maintenance and repairs to fire hydrants located on your property. Usually, once the hydrants are beyond a certain distance from a municipally managed road onto privately owned property, the city or town is no longer responsible for its maintenance, but you as the property owner or manager are liable and/or responsible for ensuring this maintenance occurs and that all hydrants located on your property operate properly. Contact your city or town water department officials to determine their specific requirements for hydrants located on private property.
Hydra Tech, Inc. can install new hydrants or repair your existing hydrants. As new properties are developed, it usually means new fire hydrants are necessary to properly protect the structures being built on the property. Hydra Tech, Inc. can install your new hydrants for you or repair/replace any existing hydrants that may exist on the property that you are developing or on a property that is already developed.